A 19-year-old woman’s body was found with burn injuries at a house in southeast Delhi’s Lajpat Nagar on Friday morning. The woman was a resident of Madrasi Camp. She, along with her mother, worked as domestic help at a house in Lajpat Nagar-II, the police said.
Police said that on Friday morning, they got a call saying a woman had died due to electrocution in the Lajpat Nagar area. A team immediately reached the spot and found the woman had received burns.
The police said that she came to work at 7 am, around an hour after which she died at the house. The police have started investigating the matter. Forensic experts also inspected the scene, and the body was sent for a post-mortem examination.
Esha Pandey, the deputy commissioner of police (southeast), said that the further legal action will be taken after the post-mortem reports comes in.