Delhi saw its coldest day this winter on Friday, with the minimum temperature dropping to 6.2 degree Celsius as compared to 6.4 degrees on Thursday. On Friday, the national capital was colder than Himachal Pradesh’s tourist hub Dharamshala which recorded a minimum temperature of 8.2 degree Celsius. Delhi’s temperature is further expected to drop in the coming days to 5 degrees.
Meteorologist Mahesh Palawat told news agency that on Thursday winds were blowing from the West, whereas on Friday the direction was northwest. With clear skies and northwest winds, Delhi is experiencing colder days. But, despite the mercury hitting new lows of the season, morning fog is yet to set its foot. During the day, the Sun helps to keep the cold at bay.
On Friday, a minimum temperature of 6.2 degrees was recorded in Aya Nagar and Safdarjung. It was 2 degrees below normal temperature. Whereas the maximum temperature of 24.5 degrees was 1 degree above normal temperature.
According to the meteorological department, the minimum temperature can go around 5 degrees between December 17 and 19. If this happens, the mornings and evenings will be colder but sunshine is still expected in the upcoming days.
Delhi’s air quality continued to remain in the ‘moderate’ category on Friday morning, recording an air quality index (AQI) reading of 197 at 7 am. But, after maintaining a streak of ‘moderate’ air quality for three days, the national capitals’ air index dropped to ‘poor’ with a 231 reading in the evening.
System of Air Quality and Weather Forecasting And Research (SAFAR) is expecting the air quality to remain ‘poor’ for the next three days.