The cat is out of the bag. What had long been speculated and reported has been confirmed. Varun Dhawan is indeed headlining the Indian spinoff of the science-fiction series Citadel. The Russo Brothers, who created the show, shared the first look of Varun’s character from the show on social media on Tuesday, and also revealed that filming begins in January 2023.
Taking to their joint Instagram handle, the filmmakers wrote, “We are thrilled to officially announce that we will be bringing you the Indian installment of the Citadel universe. The local Original spy series will start filming in January 2023.” The post carried a picture of Varun – dressed in a black T-shirt and brown jacket – looking at the camera with an intense stare. The Mumbai beachfront, along with the iconic Taj Mahal hotel, are visible in the background.
Talking about his web series debut, Varun said in a statement, “Citadel is an exceptionally ambitious and exciting franchise, and to be part of this magnificent universe, conceptualised by the Russo Brothers’ AGBO and Jennifer Salke, is a landmark moment in my career. I have been a big fan of their work and I am beyond thrilled to be a part of this project, and can’t wait to start shooting it.”
The series is being helmed by Raj and DK, known for shows like The Family Man. “We are super excited to be a part of this global event series envisioned by the Russo Brothers, two very inspiring filmmakers and creators; along with our long-time partners Prime Video. We are especially looking forward to working with the versatile and dynamic Varun. We’ve worked very hard collaborating with the other international teams to bring a unique interwoven universe to our audiences. Along with a sparkling cast, we hope to push the boundaries of storytelling with Citadel India,” they said.
Citadel, which stars Priyanka Chopra and Richard Madden, will premiere on Prime Video next year. Created by Russo Brothers, the sci-fi spy thriller will have multiple spinoffs in various countries, of which Citadel India is one. Reports have also claimed that Samantha Ruth Prabhu, who worked with Raj and DK on The Family Man, also stars in the Indian show.