Railway Protection Force (RPF) dog named ‘Don’ – who played an important role with the Mathura RPF in Uttar Pradesh – retired on Wednesday after seven years of service. The dog has been welcomed into a new house. In a video shared by the news agency, the dog can be seen wearing a garland and rolling on the ground.
Don’s new owner Varun Saxena said that he will treat the dog like a family member.
“I have seen him earlier. When I came to know that he was being auctioned, I purchased him. I am very happy. He is well-trained. I will treat him like my family member,” Saxena told news agency.
R Verma – ASI, RPF, Dog Squad in Mathura – told news agency that Don was unable to discharge government duties due to a medical condition.
“I received him when he was two months old. I trained him and raised him like my child. Due to some medical condition, he is unable to discharge government duties and hence he has been auctioned,” he said.
“He helped us in many cases of RPF and was helpful in cases of robbery, and theft. I am feeling sad,” Verma added.