Union Minister for Health and Family Welfare Mansukh Mandaviya inaugurated and chaired the inaugural session of Aarogya Manthan 3.0 to mark the third anniversary of Ayushman Bharat – Pradhan Mantri Jan Aarogya Yojana (AB PM-JAY) scheme for its three years successful implementation across the country, in the presence of Dr Bharati Pravin Pawar, Union Minister of State for Health and Family Welfare.
The theme of the programme was ‘Service and Excellence’. Aarogya Manthan 3.0, a four-day hybrid (physical and virtual) event commenced by observing ‘Ayushman Bharat Diwas’.
Speaking on the occasion, Mandaviya said, “AB PM-JAY has reformed the entire healthcare system of India. It gives me great happiness that the scheme has served more than 2.2 crore people in the last three years to the people residing in the remotest of the areas. The journey of the last three years of implementation of the scheme has been tremendous as it has empowered millions of citizens of India with their Right to Health.”
Mandaviya virtually interacted with AB PM-JAY beneficiaries from Jammu and Kashmir, Chhattisgarh, Andaman and Nicobar, Uttar Pradesh, Gujarat, Karnataka, Uttarakhand, Sikkim and Assam. The Union Minister of Health & Family Welfare also released the third edition of the NHA’s Annual Report 2020-2021 along with the Lessons Learnt Booklet.
During the event, the health minister gave the ‘Ayushman Utkrishta Puraskaar’ award to the best performing AB PM-JAY States/ UTs for the efficient implementation of the scheme. The awards were distributed to the States in the category of top-performing PMAM, top-performing CSC state lead, top-performing Public Hospitals, best performing states and best-performing states in gender equity.
Mandaviya also launched key initiatives — Hospital Help Desk Kiosk, Beneficiary Facilitation Agency, PMJAY Command Centre & Nudge Unit and Revamped PM-JAY technology platform, undertaken by the National Health Authority for the ease of beneficiaries while availing healthcare services under the scheme.