Union Health Minister Mansukh Mandaviya visited AIIMS New Delhi on Thursday morning to enquire about the health of former prime minister Dr Manmohan Singh who is admitted there with complaints of fever and weakness.
The minister visited the hospital around 0925 hours and had a brief courtesy chat with Singh whose health condition is currently stable, AIIMS official told
Mandaviya, who was accompanied by the institute’s director Dr Randeep Guleria, also spoke to the team of doctors looking after former PM’s medical care, the official added.
89-year-old Congress stalwart was admitted to the hospital on Wednesday evening for routine check-ups as he complained of weakness and fever persistent since past few days.
Hospital sources said Singh’s blood platelet count has been detected lower than normal and the symptoms are similar to Dengue. However, no official confirmation has come from the hospital so far.
Meanwhile, wishes from top political leaders are pouring in for the former PM.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal prayed for his “good health and speedy recovery” through get-well-soon Twitter tweets.