Jammu and Kashmir police Saturday said that the stray bullets from the gunfight site in Srinagar hit the vehicle and official residence of Commissioner Secretary GAD. Police said there was no loss of life or any injury in the incident.
A militant was killed at Natipora in a brief gunfight last evening while another gunfight broke out in Methan area of the Srinagar district late last night.
A police official told a local news agency that a vehicle bearing reg. No jko2ch/0144 allotted to M K Devedi Commissioner Secretary GAD and residential house of ENT specialist Dr Kulvider Mehta S/O Nanak Lal R/O Sikh Mohalla opposite Tulsibagh quarter M5 was hit by stray bullets fired at the Methan gunfight site.
“A vehicle and window of the house were hit by bullets. There was no loss of life or any injury to anyone,” the official said.
Meanwhile, Kashmir zone police tweeted: “A fake news is being circulated about an attack on the house of a doctor in Srinagar. Few stray bullets from Natipora encounter had hit two vehicles and windows of two houses in the locality last night.”