Delhi Police Crime Branch on Thursday secured three-day remand of gangster Sunil alias Tillu Tajpuria in connection with the killing of jailed gangster Jitender Maan alias Gogi who was shot dead inside a Rohini courtroom last week.
The Crime Branch, in fact, questioned Tillu at the Mandoli jail on Wednesday to unfold the whole conspiracy. During the questioning, however, Tillu denied his involvement in the case, sources said.
A team of Crime Branch visited the Mandoli Jail and questioned jailed gangster Tillu in connection with the killing of Gogi, police sources said.
During the investigation, on the basis of CCTV footage, police arrested two accused, Umang and Vinay Yadav, who allegedly helped both attackers, from Haiderpur. During interrogation, both revealed that Tillu is the ‘main conspirator’ in this case as he had hatched conspiracy from Mandoli jail, following which Police has taken his custody to unfold the entire conspiracy.
Police sources said that the police checked previous records of Jagdeep alias Jagga and Rahul Tyagi alias Nitin Jatav, who killed Gogi inside Rohini courtroom, and later were shot dead in retaliation by the security personnel attached to the security of Gogi.
The police are looking for another accused who came outside of the court, who has been seen in the CCTV camera. Both, Umang and Vinay, admitted, during the interrogation, that Tillu had provided the weapons used in the murder. A team went to Mandoli jail yesterday to search Tillu’s cell to recover the mobile, sources said.