Realme India has refreshed its Realme 8 series with the new Realme 8s 5G and Realme 8i. Both phones come with MediaTek chipsets, triple rear cameras, and a 16-megapixel front camera for selfies. In terms of design, the two smartphones take inspiration from the existing Realme 8 lineup and come in two colour options each. The rear cameras come inside a square-shaped module, and the front camera comes inside the hole-punch cutout at the top left corner. As the name suggests, the Realme 8s 5G will sit with the existing Realme 8, Realme 8 5G, and Realme 8 Pro. The company has also unveiled its first Android tablet dubbed Realme Pad alongside Realme Cobble and Pocket Bluetooth speakers at the launch event.
In terms of specifications, the Realme 8s 5G sports a 6.5-inch display with a 90Hz refresh rate. The MediaTek 810 SoC chipset is accompanied by 6GB and 8GB RAM options with an additional 5GB virtual RAM. The virtual RAM utilises a portion of the internal storage for better multitasking. The smartphone has 128GB storage, and users can expand the internal memory up to 1TB with a dedicated microSD card slot. Out-of-the-box, the Realme 8s 5G runs on Android 11 OS with Realme UI 2.0 custom skin on top. As for the optics, the triple camera rear setup houses a 64-megapixel primary sensor and two 2-megapixel sensors for black and white and macro photography. At the front, there’s a 16-megapixel snapper for selfies and video calling. Other notable features include a 5,000mAh battery with 33W Dart fast-charging support, a side-mounted fingerprint sensor for security, and a 3.5mm audio jack. Its price in India starts at Rs 17,999 for the 6GB RAM + 128GB storage and Rs 19,999 for the 8GB RAM and 128GB option. The first sale will begin on September 13 via Flipkart and Realme channels.
On the other hand, the Realme 8i carries the MediaTek Helio G96 SoC and a 6.6-inch display with a 120Hz refresh rate, 180Hz touch sampling rate, and 1-nit night mode. The chipset comes paired with up to 6GB of RAM and up to 128GB of onboard storage. The phone supports Dynamic RAM expansion up to 11GB. In terms of cameras, its triple rear camera setup features a 50-megapixel sensor and two 2-megapixel sensors. At the front, there’s a 16-megapixel selfie sensor in its hole-punch cutout. The Realme packs a 5,000mAh battery with 18W charging support. Other notable features include a 3.5mm audio jack, fingerprint sensor, and six-level refresh rate. Its price in India starts at Rs 13,999 for Rs 4GB + 64GB option and goes up to Rs 15,999 for the 6GB + 128GB storage. Its first sale will start on September 14 via Flipkart and Realme channels.