Defence Minister Rajnath Singh held a high-level meeting on the security situation with Chief of Defence Staff General Anil Chauhan, the Army Chief and other top officials a day after it was reported that the troops from both sides – India and China – clashed along the Line of Actual Control (LAC) in Arunachal Pradesh’s Tamang on December 9. Meanwhile, several opposition leaders have submitted notices in Parliament on the face-off, the first since June 2020 Galwan valley violence in the sensitive Ladakh sector.
Here are top points on the India-China LAC face-off:
1) The Defence Minister is set to make a statement in Parliament on the latest clashes. He will address the Lok Sabha at 12 pm and Rajya Sabha at 12:30 pm.
2) Apart from the Chief of Defence Staff, Rajnath Singh met Army Chief General Manoj Pande, National Security Advisor of India Ajit Doval and other top officials on Tuesday morning to discuss the security situation at a high-level meeting.
3) In a statement, the army on Monday underlined: “PLA (People’s Liberation Army) troops contacted the LAC in Tawang sector which was contested by own troops in a firm and resolute manner. This face-off led to minor injuries to few personnel from both sides.”
4) The latest developments come amid ongoing tensions with China over the Galwan valley clashes in June 2020 when both nations had lost troops.
5) Several rounds of military talks have been held in the last 30 months following the stand-off.
6) As the details of tensions in Arunachal were revealed, several opposition leaders unleashed attacks on the central government, seeking a discussion in Parliament.
7) Members of Parliament of the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP), Congress, and the RJD have submitted suspension notices in Parliament over the face-off.
8) The opposition has accused the government of not revealing all the details on the sensitive matter.
9) Rajnath Singh’s address in Parliament comes days after the last election season for 2022 got over with the BJP winning the crucial Gujarat elections.
10) The winter session of Parliament began on December 7.