Rahul Gandhi, who arrived in Goa for a day-long visit on Friday ahead of the 2022 polls, was seen wearing a mask and a helmet during the ride in the video and had travelled on the two-wheeler taxi for almost five kilometres.
Kicking off the election campaign for 2022 polls in Goa, Congress leader Rahul Gandhi arrived in the state for a day-long visit on Saturday. During the campaigning, the senior leader was seen riding on a motorcycle taxi, ‘Pilot’ in Panaji.
The Congress party, sharing the video, said, “How best to connect with our people? Reach out to them when they are in their comfort zone.” The party added further by writing, “Shri @RahulGandhi setting examples for all leaders in India to follow.”
Rahul Gandhi was seen wearing a mask and a helmet during the ride in the video and had travelled on the two-wheeler taxi for almost five kilometres.
Rahul Gandhi earlier had lunch at a roadside eatery in a village and then travelled on a two-wheeler taxi for around five kilometres.
Gandhi arrived in the state on Saturday morning. After addressing the fishermen in South Goa, Gandhi ate lunch at a roadside eatery at Bambolim village on the Panaji-Margao highway. He was accompanied by Goa Pradesh Congress Committee president Girish Chodankar and Leader of Opposition Digambar Kamat.