The Jammu and Kashmir High Court recently quashed two FIRs lodged by the same woman against two men, alleging rape on the pretext of false promise to to marry. From the facts and material produced before the Court, Justice Rajnesh Oswal found that the prosecutrix had indulged in sexual relationship with two persons on the promise of marriage in the year 2018.
“This Court has no hesitation to hold that from the conduct of the respondent No. 2, it is evident that a false and frivolous F.I.Rs have been lodged by respondent No. 2 against both the petitioners,” it thus held.
The Court further opined that when there is allegation that the sexual relationships were made on the basis of false promise of marriage, then it has to be established that promise of marriage was a false promise, given in bad faith and with no intention of being adhered to at the time it was given.