Prime Minister Narendra Modi will address the 76th session of UN General Assembly in New York this evening. The 76th session of United Nations General Assembly is underway in New York.
Earlier, India’s First Secretary Sneha Dubey, while addressing the UNGA, said the Union Territories of Jammu & Kashmir and Ladakh were, are and will always be an integral and inalienable part of India. This includes areas that are under illegal occupation of Pakistan. Sneha Dubey was responding to Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan’s remarks on Kashmir. She called upon Pakistan to immediately vacate all areas under its illegal occupation.
The UN General Assembly is the main policy-making organ of the United Nations. This policy brief provides a short overview of some key issues to be discussed during the General Debate and several High-Level events during the opening of UNGA 76.
This session coincides with the current UN Secretary General Antonio Gueterres set for another five years term at the helms of affairs of the world body.
Over 100 global leaders are attending the deliberations. These include US President Joe Biden, Prime Minister Narendra Modi and British premier Boris Johnson.
US President Joe Biden was the first speaker as per the tradition. In his maiden speech to the UNGA, Mr Biden urged the nations to forge a global unity against common threats like COVID-19pandemic, technological threats and autocratic nations.