HMD Global on Monday announced the launch of the Nokia C01 Plus, the latest addition to its C-series smartphones with a strategic partnership with Reliance Retail Ltd in India. The Nokia C01 Plus is available in India starting Monday in blue and purple colour variants for Rs 5,999 across leading offline retail stores, e-commerce platforms and
Customers who choose to avail the JioExclusive offer will get an instant price support of 10 per cent on the best buy price, and will have to pay Rs 5,399.
In terms of specifications, the Nokia C01 Plus comes with a 5.45-inch HD+ screen with thick bezels on the top and the bottom. The smartphone houses a 2MP front facing camera. At the rear, it packs a 5MP HDR camera. Both cameras have dedicated LED flash.
The smartphone is powered by an octa-core 1.6GHz Unisoc SC9863A processor, paired with 2GB of RAM and 16GB of internal storage. The storage can be expanded using a microSD card.
The Nokia C01 Plus comes with a 3000mAh battery that is said to last up to a day.