A day after Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar announced an ex gratia compensation of Rs 2 lakh each for the kin of the two migrant workers of the state who died in militant attacks in Jammu and Kashmir, Leader of Opposition Tejashwi Yadav on Monday, 18 October, criticised the move as unjust.
In a series of tweets, the Rashtriya Janata Dal leader blamed the state’s employment policy for the deaths.
“Double engine government’s double whammy. ‘Won’t give job-employment in Bihar If you go out you will be killed.’ Chief Minister Shri Nitish Kumar ji, after adjudging the worth of a Bihar’s life at Rs 2 lakh, will go into a dormant state without showing any condolences,” Yadav said on Monday.
“Nitish Kumar and his incompetent government are also guilty of the brutal murder of Biharis. If the NDA government had really done anything seriously on employment generation as per the claim of ‘good governance’ being done for the last 16 years, then crores of Biharis would not have been forced to migrate and die every year,” Yadav further stated.