The NIA (National Investigation Agency) on Tuesday conducted raids at 16 locations across Jammu and Kashmir. According to the details, the raids were conducted at locations in Shopian, Pulwama and Srinagar, in connection with a new case linked to the Over Ground Workers (OGWs) of various Tanzeems including The Resistance Front (TRF). The NIA also raided 5 locations in Delhi-NCR in Mundra drug seizure case.
Earlier on Sunday, the NIA arrested three people over their alleged association with the banned terror organisation Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), an official said.
According to an NIA spokesperson, the agency conducted searches at eight locations in Srinagar and Anantnag in South Kashmir and arrested Tawheed Latief, Suhail Ahmad and Afshan Parvez, all residents of Srinagar.
The agency said they had received information that banned ISIS has hatched a conspiracy to radicalise and recruit impressionable Muslim youths in India to wage violent jihad against the Indian State.
Their plan was to execute their nefarious design which involves supplementing their on-ground terror financing activities with cyberspace campaign, the official said.
ISIS terrorists operating from various conflict zones, along with their cadres in India, have created a network by assuming pseudo-online identities wherein their propaganda material is disseminated for radicalising and recruiting members, the spokesperson said.