Lieutenant Governor Manoj Sinha reached New Delhi on Wednesday. He is scheduled to meet Prime Minister Narendra Modi today and will have meeting with Union Home Minister Amit Shah in the afternoon.
Meeting with Shah is likely to be attended by Chief Secretary Dr Arun Kumar Mehta, Home Secretary Shaleen Kabra, Director General of Police (DGP) Dilbag Singh and Intelligence chief Rashmi Ranjan Swain. Top officials of the Ministry of Home Affairs and Central Agencies will also be present, official sources
This will be the first high-level meeting to be chaired by Shah with top officials of MHA, Central Agencies and representatives of Jammu and Kashmir post Afghanistan fall to Taliban though the Home Minister had held various such meetings with MHA and other officials.
While the Lieutenant Governor has reached New Delhi, the top officials of civil and police administration will be flying to the Union capital tomorrow morning.
While Afghanistan situation and development works in Jammu and Kashmir are likely to dominate the meeting, sources said the Union Home Ministry is also concerned about increasing threat from drone attacks especially in the areas falling along the Line of Control (LoC) and International Border (IB) and security establishments as there were reports that Pakistan army and Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) have secured many sophisticated drones from China which have higher range of flying.
Apart from Taliban takeover of Afghanistan, an anti-drone strategy, use of some prisons by the under-trial militants to hatch conspiracies and misuse of Social Media from across the border are among other major issues which are likely to figure at the high-level meeting called by Union Home Minister Amit Shah with top brass of Jammu and Kashmir this afternoon.
According to sources, a strategy is likely to be formed over curbing use of some of the prisons by the under-trial militants .
“There were reports that some of the militants were hatching conspiracies despite being lodged in the jails,” sources said.
Misuse of Social Media from across the border to fan trouble in Jammu and Kashmir is also on agenda of the Union Home Ministry and the meeting could discuss steps required to check it. Already, many attempts have been detected by Jammu and Kashmir Police in which inimical elements sitting in Pakistan had tried to create tension through Social Media from across the border.
Various other issues pertaining to Jammu and Kashmir including infrastructural development and execution of works under the Prime Minister’s Development Project (PMDP) will also come up under review during the meeting, they said.
It may be mentioned here that the Central Government’s Public Outreach-II by around 70 Ministers is starting Thursday, during which the Union Ministers will tour various parts of Jammu and Kashmir.