Director General of Police (DGP) Dilbagh Singh Thursday said that killing of unarmed civilians in Srinagar is a move to damage and attack the age-old traditional communal harmony in Kashmir and police has already got some clues about previous killings and will also probe the fresh incident too. He, however, was quick to add that the killers will be nabbed very soon.
Talking to reporters outside the Government Boys Higher Secondary School Sangam, Eidgah, Srinagar, the DGP said that killing of innocent civilians reflects “frustration and barbarism.”
“This is an attempt to defame local Muslims of Kashmir. Killing innocent civilians including teachers is a move to attack and damage the age-old tradition of communal harmony and brotherhood in Kashmir,” the J&K Police chief said. He said killing innocents is a conspiracy to “target local ethos and values” which will be defeated by the police and people collectively.
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