India added 12,428 new COVID-19 cases in the last 24 hours, which is the lowest in 238 days, while the active cases declined to 1,63,816, according to data from the Union Health Ministry on Tuesday. With the fresh cases, India’s overall Covid-1 tally increased to 3,42,02,202, while the death toll climbed to 4,55,068 with 356 fresh fatalities, according to the data updated at 8 am. The daily rise in new Coronavirus infections has been below 30,000 for 31 straight days and less than 50,000 for 120 consecutive days now. The active cases now account for 0.49% of the total infections, the lowest since March 2020, while the national COVID-19 recovery rate improved to 98.18%, the highest since March 2020, the health ministry said.