India recorded 15,981 fresh cases of covid-19 on Saturday, 5.7% lower than Friday. During the same period, 166 deaths were also recorded in the country due to Covid, which took the total death count to 4,51,980.
The national recovery rate in the country is currently at 98.08 per cent, which is the highest since March last year, according to the official data. With 17,861 recoveries in the last 24 hours, the number of total recoveries rose to 3,33,99,961.
The daily positivity rate – number of positive cases identified per 100 tests – stands at 1.73 per cent, less than 3 per cent for last 47 days. The weekly positivity rate stands at 1.44 per cent.
A total of 8,36,118 vaccine doses have been administered in the last 24 hours.