Congress MP Shashi Tharoor, in a social media post said that the decision to conduct the National Eligibility cum Entrance Test (NEET) amid the pandemic has shown the government in a poor light.
Accusing the Government to be “unresponsive to genuine concerns”, Congress MP Shashi Tharoor, in a social media post said that the decision to conduct the National Eligibility cum Entrance Test (NEET) amid the pandemic has shown the government in a poor light.
While NEET UG is scheduled to be held on September 12, NEET PG will be conducted on September 11. Mr Tharoor also said that NEET admit cards were not delivered on time and aspirants taking the NEET UG and NEET PG entrance test have not been allotted exam centres in the towns the aspirants are residing.
In a social media post, Mr Tharoor said: “The NEET exams show our Govt in a poor light: unresponsiveness to genuine concerns; admit cards not delivered to aspirants in time; failure to provide centres in towns they reside, thus requiring unnecessary and risky travels.”
He further added: “What a disgrace to treat our #Covid warriors like this!”