The Central Bureau of Investigation Thursday arrested Anand Dage, lawyer of former Maharashtra Home Minister Anil Deshmukh in connection with the alleged leak of an official report on its investigation into allegations of policemen being coerced by Deshmukh to collect bribes on his behalf. Daga has been sent to Delhi on transit remand, CBI said. Both Sub Inspector Abhishek Tiwari and Daga are said to be produced before a competent court in Delhi.
For the first time in over a month, new Covid-19 infections crossed 400 in Mumbai on Wednesday. As many as 416 people tested positive and four deaths were recorded. The last time the city had recorded daily infections above 400 was on July 28. The tally of Covid-19 cases in Mumbai rose to 7,44,571 and death toll reached 15,981.
Meanwhile, a Rs 713-crore Mumbai flyover inaugurated just a month ago was partially shut down on Wednesday for extensive repairs after numerous complaints of two-wheelers skidding and a fatal bike accident earlier in the week.