The Congress on Wednesday raised an alarm over Rahul Gandhi’s security in the Bharat Jodo Yatra as the foot march is all set to enter ‘sensitive’ areas, Congress leader Pawan Khera said. The party has now written to the Centre citing two-three examples of reported security breaches that took place in Delhi, the party claimed. Showing a video of a huge crowd around Rahul Gandhi in Badarpur, Pawan Khera said, “Rahul Gandhi has Z security cover. But despite that, there was no rope around Rahul Gandhi when he entered Delhi.”
“We are now entering Punjab and Jammu, Kashmir. These are sensitive areas. We have brought this to the notice of the home ministry,” Pawan Khera said.
“This is a party which lost two prime ministers. We all are very concerned over Rahul Gandhi’s security,” Pawan Khera said.
Referring to the incident of a security breach in Sohna on December 23, the party said some unauthorised persons were seen entering one of the containers of the yatris. When caught, they said they went to use the washroom while there were washrooms outside, the party said. Later, it was found out that the intruders were from police, the party claimed. Earlier, Jairam Ramesh said the Intelligence Bureau was interrogating people who met Rahul Gandhi on the Yatra.