The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) on Tuesday raided the house of retired IAS officer Baseer Ahmad Khan, a week after he was relieved as advisor to Lieutenant Governor Manoj Sinha.
Official sources reported that a team of CBI officials from New Delhi accompanied by local police showed up at Khan’s residence at Bulbul Bagh, Baghat in uptown Srinagar and started searching the house. The raid was going on when this report was filed.
Sources told that the raids are being carried in connection with the fake gun license racket. Baseer Khan, who remained as advisor to Lieutenant Governor Girish Chandra Murmu and his successor Manoj Sinha from March 2020, was relieved after the CBI top brass reportedly informed the Ministry of Home Affairs about his name figuring in the gun license racket, added the sources.
Subsequently, the J&K government relieved Khan from the post of Advisor with his relieving order also making a mention of the MHA communique.
“Pursuant to communication No. 15030/40/2019-J&K dated 4th October, 2021, of the Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India, Baseer Ahmad Khan (Retired IAS:2000) is hereby relieved from the post of Advisor to the Lieutenant Governor, Union territory of Jammu and Kashmir, with immediate effect,” reads the government order issued on October 12.