President Ram Nath Kovind will celebrate Dussehra this year with the soldiers of the Indian Army in Ladakh’s Drass area. With this, the President will be breaking away from the tradition where he is usually seen participating in Dussehra celebrations in Delhi, every year. The President will be visiting Ladakh, and Jammu and Kashmir for a two-day trip over Thursday and Friday.
The political crisis in Punjab shows no sign of abating with state Congress chief Navjot Singh Sidhu asserted that there “can never be compromises”. Weeks after tendering his resignation as the Punjab Congress chief, Sidhu on Thursday will meet party general secretary KC Venugopal and Punjab incharge Harish Rawat. Sidhu shared a video where he is seen talking about various Punjab-related issues. He thanked the Congress high command for “facilitating” him.
On the other hand, Union home minister Amit Shah will lay the foundation stone for the National Forensic Science University at Goa’s Dharbandora. During his two-day visit to the state, he will also address BJP karyakartas at Taleigao and hold meetings with the BJP legislature wing and core committee.
While, Aryan Khan’s bail hearing is set for 11 am on Thursday. Aryan Khan along with several others, was arrested on October 3 following a raid on the Goa-bound cruise ship and is presently in judicial custody. He is lodged at the Arthur Road prison in Mumbai. He approached the special court seeking bail after a magistrate’s court rejected the same last week.
Meanwhile, former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has been admitted to All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) in Delhi. Singh had complained of weakness following a fever.