In its seventh weekend, Pushpa [Hindi] has entered the 100 Crore Club. With that, it has turned out to be the first-ever film in history (since the inception of the 100 Crore Club) to start at 3.33 crores and then go on to hit a century. Prior to this, the record for a 100 Crore Club earner with the lowest ever opening day was also held by a dubbed south film. Then too, history was created, as Baahubali: The Beginning started at 5.15 crores and then went on to score a century, and go furthermore with 117 crores as its lifetime run.
In the case of Pushpa [Hindi], the journey is all the more remarkable since it has managed to achieve this feat during the pandemic when there is a closure of cinemas, restrictions, curbs, and general fear factor. Still, the film has done the unthinkable and the best part is that it is still in the running and would continue so till at least 11th February when Badhaai Do arrives. Before that, it could well cover some lost ground in Delhi and Haryana where theatres have just reopened. The best showcasing is for Pushpa [Hindi] and that is further boosting collections.
That was seen over the weekend gone by as well when 2 crores* more came in, hence bringing the film to 100 crores*. With 10 open days ahead of it, there is more to come in and that would allow the film to at least cross 103 crores and perhaps go even a bit ahead than that.