Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath paid his floral tribute to Mahant Narendra Giri, president of the Akhara Parishad here on Tuesday. Samajwadi party president Akhilesh Yadav is also visiting Prayagraj on Tuesday afternoon to pay floral tribute the saint.
CM Yogi Adityanath had the last darshan of his body and also assured the mournful Mahants and the members of Akhil Bharatiya Akhara Parishad to bring the truth out of the mysteries death of Narendra Giri.
Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath categorically said that strict action will be taken against whoever is responsible in the death of Mahant Narendra Giri, President of Akhara Parishad.
He said that a lot of evidence has been collected in the case of death of Mahant Narendra Giri. Even after this, many senior officers of the state police are still busy in bringing out some truth. He said that each and every truth would be brought to the fore in the case of Mahant ji’s death.
” I assure all of you that the case of Mahant Narendra Giri’s death will not remain suspicious,” he added.
Along with this, the Chief Minister has also appealed to all the saints present in the Math to avoid unnecessary rhetoric regarding this matter.
ADG Zone, IG Range and DIG Prayagraj are investigating the incident as a team. The guilty will surely get punished, he said.
Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath said that we are all saddened by the tragic incident of Akhara Parishad President Narendra Giri. “On behalf of the Sant Samaj and the state government, I have come to pay a humble tribute. This is an irreparable loss to the spiritual and religious society. The service he rendered to the Akhara Parishad and Sant Samaj is unforgettable. It was his guidance in taking the grandeur of the 2019 Kumbh to a global level. He had given his full dedication to the grandeur of Prayagraj Kumbh without worrying about humiliation. His wish was that the Prime Minister should come to Prayagraj for the Kumbh, he also came.
Narendra Giri was ready for the development of Prayagraj”, he said.
On Tuesday, the body will be kept in the ashram for the last darshan and the process of postmortem and samadhi will be completed on Wednesday. After postponing several programs from Lucknow in the morning, Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath reached Prayagraj.
Mahant Narendra Giri, president of the Akhil Bharatiya Akhara Parishad, the largest organization of saints in the country, died under suspicious circumstances in Prayagraj on Monday evening. His body was found in the room of Shri Math Baghambri Gaddi in Allapur. The exact cause of death has not been revealed but it is being said that he committed suicide by hanging.
An eight-page suicide note was found from the spot. According to IG KP Singh, in the suicide note, the disciple Anand Giri, Aadya Tiwari and his son have been accused of harassing him.
All are taken under police custody and being interrogated. A petition has been filed in Allahabad High Court for a CBI probe into the death.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath and Deputy Chief Minister Keshav Prasad Maurya have described Mahant’s death as sad. The Deputy Chief Minister says that a high level inquiry will be conducted into the incident.